How to set up FlowBridge alerts for Microsoft Teams
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Apps"
3. Click the "Search apps and more" field.
4. Type "webhook"
5. Click "Add"
6. Click "Add to a team"
7. Click on the channel you want to add the webhook to
8. Click "Set up a connector"
9. Click this text field and type in the name of your webhook (I.e: FlowBridge Alert)
10. Click "Create"
11. Click this image.
12. Go to your FlowBridge environment
13. Click "Voiceflow Alerts"
14. Click "New voiceflow alerts"
15. Click on the Channel dropdown and select Microsoft Teams
16. Click on the Voiceflow project dropdown and select the Voiceflow project you want this alert to work with
17. Click the "Url" field and paste the Microsoft Teams webhook URL in to it
18. Click "Create"
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