With the FlowBridge alerts custom function, you can set up FlowBridge Alerts to notify about specific parts of your Voiceflow builds. Click here to learn more about FlowBridge Alerts.
How to use FlowBridge Alert custom function
1. Download the alert function available in the attachments of this post
2. Click "How to use FlowBridge alerts"
3. Click "FlowBridge_Alert_20240424.json"
4. Go to your Voiceflow Project
5. Click this icon.
6. Click "Functions"
7. Click on the import function
8. Click "Browse" and select the downloaded JSON file
9. Click "Import"
10. Click here.
11. Click "Dev"
12. Click functions.
13. Click "Function" and drag & drop it in to the build
14. Click "Select existing function"
15. Click "FlowBridge Alert"
16. Click on the input variable input area.
17. Type the message for the alert
18. Drag and drop a line from a step, to the custom function FlowBridge alert step
19. Drag and drop a line from the success path to the next step you want to link it to
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